Vanita Braver, M.D., renowned Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, speaker and best-selling author presents another book, Madison and the New Neighbors in the Teach Your Children Well series.

In Madison and the New Neighbors, Madison has a new mission–to raise money for her class by selling candy and earn a school T-shirt. She is eager to call on her neighbors to sell candy, but refuses to go to Mrs. Patel’s, whose family has recently moved into the neighborhood from India. Seema Patel lives there. Seema rides the same school bus as Madison, but Madison has never talked to her. All Madison’s friends think Seema is weird and talks with a funny accent. Back in her bedroom, Madison with the help of her parents and Wisdom the Owl reflects on her behavior, and decides to visit the Patels. Madison and the New Neighbors illustrates the virtue of accepting and respecting others who are different from us through questioning and self-reflection.
Madison and the New Neighbors is dedicated to Ellen DeGeneres.

To Ellen DeGeneres, "Thank you for teaching us about tolerance and respecting differences. Your generous spirit reminds us that life’s challenges, obstacles, and the choices we make define who we are.”
Vanita Braver, M.D.

In Madison's Patriotic Project, Madison finds herself in yet another struggle. In celebration of President's Day, Madison is confident that her beautiful patriotic scrapbook will win her the first prize and free pizza. Despite her self-assurance, her classmate Jonathan wins the prize and Madison is devastated. With gentle counseling from her parents and her stuffed animal Courage the Lion, she does the right thing and congratulates Jonathan for winning. The story highlights an important lesson: sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you don't win. Trying your best and accepting that you won't always win are what truly counts.

In Madison and the Two Wheeler, Madison is determined to learn how to ride her bicycle without training wheels so she can ride with her best friend Emily, but one bad fall makes her lose her confidence. Her parents and her guide, Hope the Bluebird urge her to continue practicing, and eventually, Madison accepts the challenge. With renewed determination, she gets back on her bike and learns to ride as well as Emily. This simple tale emphasizes the crucial lesson that determination can make any goal achievable.

In Party Princess, it’s Madison’s birthday, and she wants to look extra pretty for her party, just like a princess. But when she tries to add that special sparkle by using her mom’s make-up, Madison finds herself in a very ugly situation! Can Wisdom the Owl and a present from her best friend Emily give Madison the opportunity to show everyone how beautiful she really is?

In Pinky Promise, when Madison accidentally breaks her mom's expensive camera, she lies to protect herself from punishment. After a difficult evening, she consults with her teddy bear, named Honesty. She then bravely approaches her mother and apologizes, with a pinky promise never to lie again
Recounted with tenderness and authenticity, these books published mainly by Star Bright Books in the Teach Your Children Well series are cherished by all. Based on the latest positive parenting and child development research, the series conveys vital lessons about values to young readers. In each story, one of Madison’s stuffed animals – Wisdom the Owl, Courage the Lion, Honesty the Bear, and Hope the Bluebird – helps her reflect upon her actions and make the right decision.